Instructions, remarks, observations concerning the Vitality Indicator
A. What is the use of it, why is it worth trying?
Everybody has the experience of having better and worse-than-average days, when even routine jobs seem tiresome. There is even a feeling of a sort of “vibrating” or “radiating” energy from another person as well, whether we get some added jolt of energy, or quite the opposite, we feel our energy inventory depleted after even a short meeting.
The aim of the Vitality Indicator (VI) is to make apparent for everybody that the old-new “life energy”, the “fuel of life” does exist indeed. If its level is low, we are barely able to move, if there is more of it, our workload could be higher.
This strange sort of energy has been known in each and every culture for ages – but present science cannot answer our questions in this regard.
The speed of rotation of the Vitality Indicator’s wheel is proportional to our vitality level.
The higher the rate of rotation, the more energy is flowing through it. (Several years ago we developed an electronic device, the Vitality Meter (VM). It measures the revolutions of the sensor wheel, like an electric power meter. The VI is based on the same principle, but without the electronic revolution sensor. It is worth using the two devices together, one at each hand.
This way we can learn to direct the flow of energy from one hand to the other via mental concentration, which is a sort of „mind over matter” exercise.)
We get the most reliable results if we do this experiment in a closed room, free of any unwanted noise and air currents. This way we are able to improve our capability for handling our “life energy”, to influence the direction of its flow, and its quantity as well.
This process has different levels of quality.
First level: gauging the quantity of energy
At first observe the maximum number of revolutions at our left and right hand, separately. Though only the electronic VM is appropriate to measure the number of revolutions, but even the VI is suitable for an approximate gauge of the number of revolutions: that is to find out whether its movement is slow, medium or fast.
We shall see that in general our hands rotate the wheels at significantly different levels.
(Attention! The VI is about 30 % more sensitive than the electronic VM, as its sensor wheel had to be partly covered by the plastic house in order to use an infrared measuring beam). Sudden noise, any kind of fear might stop the flow of energy within seconds according to our experiments conducted on hundreds of high school students.
Even as a beginner, at the first trials, we can mentally influence the rate of rotation. With some manipulation of our concentration we are able to accelerate the wheel or to slow it down – or even to stop it by blocking our energy flow.
Second level: influencing the amount of energy with two wheels.
When we try to rotate two wheels with two hands at the same time, we see that one or both wheels rotate at a slower rate as compared to using them separately. After a few days of practice, the revolution will be the same using both hands simultaneously or separately.
A number of exercises could be explored to improve our life energy producing capability. The most efficient are the breathing and relaxing practices of different yoga schools, or of mental imaginations. The results of these practices are visible within minutes of the start. Just try to concentrate on the most pleasant, or unpleasant, recent experiences to see the change in the vitality level. Though the physical fitness is also an influencing parameter, up to 20 – 30% of the vitality level, the most important is our mental state – according to our experience.
Third level: Influencing the direction of one wheel.
One may influence the direction of the rotation of the wheel with a given hand. (Usually the wheel rotates from the palm toward the fingers, especially for right-handed people. Rarely, in about 1% of the cases, the wheel rotates backwards, from the fingers towards the palm.)
Those, who are able to influence the direction of the rotation, might try simple healing with the so called „laying on of the hands”, but it is better to learn it from an experienced person. Though the main purpose of reaching this level is simply to learn to “refill” or supercharge ourselves quickly, even in case of bad mood, fatigue or smaller illness.
Fourth level: Influencing the direction of both wheels.
This is the highest possible level, and it is mentioned only as a curiosity, as it is so rare, and probably nonexistent, among stress-filled city dwellers.
For the average person only the second level is desirable, i.e. to have some influence with both hands on the energy discharge level. I have met only two people who can rotate the wheels at wish with both hands. The first was a Chinese martial arts teacher in Hong-Kong (school of praying mantis) and the other was a professional healer in the city of Baguio in the Northern Philippines. Certainly there could be other people with this hard-earned gift, but they are not ordinary breadwinners. Only a few of us might devote our lives completely to this way of life. It is not meant for all of us.
For most of us reaching level two is enough for a healthier, more successful life. At this stage, one can even influence the energy level of another person. The easiest test is to increase or decrease the vitality level of another person, who is just testing his/her vitality level. By standing behind him/her, the change in the vitality level might commence in less then a minute. It is usually more difficult to increase the other person’s level, then to decrease it. (“Shamans” are harder to find than “energy vampires”.)
This gift of being able to influence energy is useful in many fields of life, whether during talks with kids or business negotiations, where the outcome of a meeting is important.
The main purpose is, of course, to learn to handle and improve our own energy level.
The VI will help us to quickly learn the merits of different methods which seem to be equally suitable. The identification of “energy bottlenecks” is very useful, as it is the most economic way to find out what method, e.g. acupressure, physical exercise or breathing could increase our level at the fastest pace. A number of factors may influence the vitality level. There are good books on this subject. The simplest methods are summed up in our handbook for the VM, e.g. the effect of food quality, sleep patterns, moon phases or even the effects of some crystals. The advantage of the VI or the VM is that these effects, as well as their combined results, are measurable for each individual, any time.
The VM yields a definite value for the rotation number of the wheel. In principle we could also measure the number of revolutions of the wheel of the VI, but we do not recommend this, as it is associated with a different state of mind, and it will decrease the vitality level. Try to solve math examples or other puzzles during the vitality measurement – you will see a definite decrease in performance, even the halt of the rotation.
We suggest using the VI instead to test the “thickness” of our aura at our hands. This is the largest distance, where the wheel still rotates. It is better to start the test near the device, then move the hand gradually at a distance until the rotation stops altogether.
We do no recommend using the device for more than 10 – 15 minutes at a time, as it might deplete our energy. Rather try it several times for shorter periods. The level of comparison could be that of the maximum value taken on a weekend after a good rest.
B. Measuring vitality by rotation and other methods
There are several independent methods to measure vitality, though this rotation effect yields the most simple and instant result.
Other possible methods are: measuring skin conductivity, or measuring germination speed of different seeds as compared to a control group during a period of 3 – 4 days. But these methods do not yield a reliable, instant value, as e.g. skin resistance depends highly on the air humidity and skin wetness, none of them related to vitality.
If one can place electrodes on the two ends of an egg, there is an electric impulse at about each minute. With the help of our life energy, the rate of these impulses can be influenced, accelerated. But the high impedance amplifier, the recording device and the intricacies of conducting electrode gels makes this kind of test rather cumbersome.
Why is the device built like this?
The cogs of the wheel serve two purposes. They are important for the optical measurement of the number of revolutions of the VM as a small chip calculates the angular velocity of the wheel by counting the number of cogs during a given time internal. The little tips of the wheel also help to get rid of unwanted electric charges if they build up by accidental friction during handling. This might be a nuisance, especially in dry air, but by breathing on it one can accelerate the disappearance of unwanted electrostatic charges.
Inside the bell-shaped center of the wheel, there is a tiny pivot developed for the fine mechanical industry, and there is a semi-precious jewel bearing on the support of the wheel. This support is made of aluminum (or copper) as its nuclear spin is an integer number. A plastic support would have resulted in a weaker sensitivity, as carbon and hydrogen have a half nuclear spin not suitable to increase this weak effect.
4. A legmagasabb szintet akkor érjük el, ha a két kezünkkel egyszerre, tetszőleges – de előre meghatározott – irányba tudunk forgatni egy-egy kereket. Mindössze két ilyen emberrel találkoztam, mindkettővel a Távol-Keleten. Az egyik kínai harcművészet oktató volt Hong-Kong-ban, a másik egy Fülöp-szigeteki gyógyító.
Az átlag városi ember számára épp elég, ha eljut a 2. szintre, azaz legalább kis mértékben befolyásolni tudja mindkét kezénél az energia áramlásának mértékét, nem szükséges, hogy megfordítsa a kerék forgási irányát. Aki eddig a szintig eljut, kismértékben mások életenergia szintjét is befolyásolni tudja. Erről legkönnyebben úgy győződhet meg, ha 1-2 méterre valaki háta mögé áll, aki éppen vitalitásmérővel nézi saját szintjét. Ha ez a szint beáll egy egyenletes értékre, akkor próbálja akaraterejével növelni vagy csökkenteni, s megtapasztalhatja, hogy befolyásolni tudja a másikat. Nem mindegy azonban, hogy csak csökkenteni tudja-e (energia vámpír) vagy növelni is képes. Az ilyen “sámán” képesség sok emberben ott rejtőzik, de mérő készülék híján csak kevesen tudták kimutatni. Ez a képesség előnyösen használható az élet sok területén, például üzleti alkunál, ahol nem mindegy, hogy mi a megbeszélés eredménye. A legfontosabb, hogy minél magasabb szinten megtanuljuk bánni életenergiánkkal. Megtapasztalhatjuk magunkon, hogy például az akupresszúra, talpmasszázs vagy légzésgyakorlat milyen gyorsan emeli energiaszintünket. Sok más tényező is befolyásolja életenergia szintünket. Ezekről bővebben írtunk a vitalitásmérő használati utasításában, de sok könyv is megjelent ebben a témában. (Például a táplálkozás, a térrendezés (feng shui) témájában, vagy a kristályok élettani hatásairól, az időjárás vagy holdfázisok hatásairól.) Ezek a hatások eddig nem voltak mérhetőek, most viszont a vitalitásmérő és vitalitásjelző lehetővé teszi együttes hatásuk kimutatását. A vitalitásmérőnél nem kell figyelnünk a fordulatszám meghatározására, hiszen ezt a készülék elektronikája elvégzi. A vitalitásjelzőnél is lehetne figyelni a forgási sebességet például stopperrel, de ezt nem ajánljuk, mert ez a figyelem megosztásával, az pedig a vitalitás szint azonnali csökkenésével jár. A vitalitásjelzőnél mérésként azt javasoljuk, hogy nézzük meg mi az a legnagyobb távolság, amiről még épp meg tudjuk forgatni a kereket. Így az auránk “vastagságát”, méretét tudjuk meghatározni.
Nem javasoljuk, hogy napi 10-20 percnél tovább játszunk a szerkezetekkel, mert ez is fárasztó lehet. Inkább többször, rövidebb ideig nézzük meg energia szintünket. Mindezt a legjobb szintünkhöz érdemes viszonyítani, ami esetleg hétvégi pihenés, vagy valamilyen nem túl megerőltető sportolás után lehet a legmagasabb.
C. What is life energy – indicated by rotation?
The field of “life energy” measured by the wheel is a member of the family of electromagnetic fields according to our hypothesis, but not yet recognized by contemporary mainstream science. This unknown field is generated by the intricate processes of life.
It is known that there is no life without the very weak electric currents and fields within living cells. When the electric activity of our brain or heart stops, death will inevitably come. The electric fields (currents) can be measured in all tissues with sensitive devices (as EEG, EKG). The test results give an insight into the electric activity and health of our brain or heart.
The magnetic field activity of our brain or heart can also be measured, but only in expensive, magnetically shielded rooms by very sophisticated devices. With the help of magnetic field impulses even depression can be treated successfully. Some bacteria, birds and insects are sensitive to ambient magnetic fields. Thus life processes cannot be restricted to biochemical reactions only.
The field that rotates the wheel, called simply as life energy, is another member of the large family of electromagnetic fields. How is it generated? It is known that there is an electric field around a static, stationary electric charge. But when the same electric charge starts moving, there is a magnetic field around it. What happens when the charge rotates? Then a new kind of field appears, which is similar to the electric and magnetic field: termed as rotating or rather “spin” field. (It was named by Russian researchers – thus noting its origin. The terms “electric” and “magnetic” have their roots in ancient Greek language, and it has nothing to do with the origin, with the generating symmetries of these fields.)
Why is this electromagnetic field unknown?
There is a huge, and so far under-appreciated, fundamental difference between our present machines, devices and the life processes. In the body of living cells the movement of electric charges are commenced via rotation, while in most of our machines, charges (electrons) move in a wire, in a crystal lattice, and very slowly (usually the characteristic drift speed is about 0.1 mm/sec), so their angular velocity is negligible even in coils.
In the intricate world of life processes the situation is markedly different, as our building materials – proteins, carbohydrates and fats – are all made of extremely tiny, helically wound molecules, sometimes coiled as double or triple helix molecules. Further, their helical shape is uniform – unlike in our artificial machines. This identical kind of helicity is there for a purpose: as only right-handed spirals exist (apart from some exceptions in the sexual organs).
When sugar is synthesized artificially, both left-handed and right-handed molecules are generated. But living cells are able to release the energy of only right-handed molecules, so the remaining, left-handed molecules are useless (or sometimes a dangerous byproduct)
Moving charges, which are at the lowest level of life processes, move along these helixes.
Due to their small size, they are invisible even to the best scanning electron microscopes (which work only in high vacuum), but one can surmise their quality of movement knowing the shape of molecules. There are about 60,000 types of enzymes only, breaking down our food and building our cells. All of them are built of smaller amino acids. All but one of them are helical. Our muscles and skin are also built of long helical structures. Helicity is so pervasive in all living structures, that there is a striking difference between the structure and principles of our non-living machines.
Needless to emphasize, life –as a cluster of inventions- is far more sophisticated, complicated even in a single cell than in any of our most sophisticated devices – let it be a fighter plane or a nuclear submarine.
The more charge participates in the life processes (for a given volume) with their helical movement simultaneously, the more intensive are the spin field generating processes – the intensity of the spin field. Certainly, the rate of metabolism and mental processes do influence the number of moving, rotating charges, and thus our vitality level.
Curiously, the effect of rotating charges has been noted by some physicists, but these small and isolated observations did not catch the attention of biophysicists.
Here are some examples for these effects:
1. A. V. Khachaturian and A. O. Wistrom discovered in 2002: when two charged metal spheres (about 5 kV) are approximated by a third sphere, then all of them start to rotate. The asymmetry between the three metal spheres makes possible the appearance of rotation effect, which is otherwise unknown and unexplainable under current textbook physics.
2. When a strong permanent magnet floats above a superconductor, and the magnet is further cooled or heated, it starts to rotate. As a magnet is a collection of small rotating charges, no wonder that a weak effect, the rotation of the magnet, appears due to the change of its own spin field.
3. As I have been interested in finding the explanation for the rotation of the wheel for nearly 20 years, I have started a difficult test series with a colleague in recent years. We wound long, tiny solenoids (external diameter about the size of human hair) of about 1,000 rounds. There were two types of solenoids. The “effect” solenoids were of uniform handedness. In the control solenoid however half of the winds were left-handed, the other half right-handed, so the effect of handedness were thus cancelled. Then identical, 100 V electric impulses were given to both solenoids by discharging a small capacitor. Under the present textbook physics the transients on the solenoids should have been the same – yet in the test series there was a marked, systematic 4 – 5% deviation between the amplitude and the frequency of the current transients. The rotation of the charges in the “effect” solenoid could have been responsible for the discrepancy between the effect and the control solenoids.
Certainly, thinner solenoids could have produced a more enhanced effect – but no thinner wire was available commercially. But life does not have this crude limit. Its “helical wires” are everywhere, and so sophisticated that we are unable to match them now. However, at the dawn of nanotechnology, when we shall be able to produce insulated, long carbon nano-tubes, a spiral bundle of them will be able to generate an intensive spin field.
Until then even the present micro-technology used for silicon chip production, could be used to mimic nature’s nano-solenoids – from superconducting materials. Obviously an array of quite different, miniature test devices (switches, oscilloscopes, test cables) should be developed for these tests, which is quite a cumbersome and very expensive proposal.
Most researchers are simply not aware of how sophisticated life’s technology is. They just do not know what they do not know. Instead they just escape into denial, denying the existence of life energy, or telepathy. (However, this effect can be more frequently tested with the spread of mobile phones).
D. Can we explain the rotation as the effect by body heat?
When one encounters with the VM or VI, even unintentionally thinks that the rotation is caused by air currents created by breathing or the heat generated by our hands.
But some simple experiments might convince us that the explanation is not that simple. Air currents, due to breathing could be reduced/eliminated if we cover our nose with a hand or with a sheet of paper. We shall see that the rotation will not be affected, but it will be continuous. (Our first series of experiments were carried out under a glass box.)
The heat-induced movement is simply not a proper explanation, as air currents move upward, and not sideways. Further, its speed is negligible. It is just not intensive enough to cause even a low value rotation of 2 – 3 revolutions/minute.
The heat-induced air current is the so-called natural circulation. Its value depends (in a non-linear manner) on the height of our palm. According to my calculations and test results this upward (not sidewise!) air current is just a fraction of the velocity of the outer perimeter of the wheel, and it does not cause a strong local, horizontal air vortex. This heat-induced vertical, upward air current is limited to a 5 – 10 mm thick band, so-called boundary layer, near our palm. It is important to note that the rotation of the VI can be sustained even from 10 – 20 cm from the palm.
There is a further simple experiment that proves: this is not a thermal effect. One can put on a glove, yet the wheel will rotate, though the temperature on the surface of the glove is nearly the same as that of the ambient air. A simple incense stick could help the determined doubter. When the stick burns slowly, a narrow smoke streak will rise vertically. If our hand is near the smoke stream (1 – 2 cm) it will be clear that the air does not rotate, while it rotates the wheel at the same time.
During the course of the wheel’s development I have carried out a number of experiments. I earned my Master’s degree in heat transfer and fluid flow at the Technical University of Budapest, and later I continued to work in this field in the Dept. of Thermo-hydraulics at the Nuclear Energy Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for 15 years, I had the necessary background to decide this issue. (Later I earned my Ph.D. in fluid dynamics, too.)
Apart from the calculations, which always include some simplifications, I have carried out detailed experimental tests as well. The calculations showed that thermal effects cannot cause rotation as fast as often observed in the experiments. Thermal control tests also proved that the observed rotations are not caused by the body heat.
At first the tests of the rotational effect by humans were carried out in flat circular Petri-dishes containing water 1 – 2 cm deep, as this made possible to “map” the force field around the fingers. There was some dust on the surface of water, or small floating objects. Their movements were recorded on 16 mm films during the mid 1980’s. Later measurements were recorded on long exposure photographs, then with video cameras. In some experiments thin, 0.05 mm platinum wires were spanned under the surface of an electrolite. Then the wire got a short electric impulse of a modest voltage, and the electrolyte changed its colour from yelow to brown. When this water-based solution started to rotate, the thin brown floating paint showed the vortex structure in vertical as well as in horizontal manner. Thus the force field around the fingers was mapped. Around the finger tips the rotational effects were sometimes extremely strong, and always diminished rapidly. Their diameter seldom exceeded 2-3 cm. The technical details are described in a research report (Experimental Investigation of Biologically Induced Energy Transport Anomalies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Central Research Institute for Physics. KFKI, 1986-94/K).
The first 600 tests, recorded on 16 mm black and white film, showed that about 1/3 of the test subjects (high school students) had a strong, observable rotational effect. About half of them showed a definite, but medium level rotational effect. The rest of them did not show any effect. The cloudy, rainy, dull afternoons were the worst. Sometimes 10-15 unsuccessful results were recorded in a row, showing the importance of the ambient environment.
The palm temperature was taken with a sensitive thermometer, but it had no correlation with the rotational effect at all. Sometimes during the winter after a break spent throwing snowballs in the schoolyard, the rotational effects were quite good, though the palm temperature was slightly less than usual.
After a tiresome math test series, the results were quite low, probably due to mental fatigue.
As a general conclusion one can say that the effect is the strongest at acupuncture points or along the “energy meridians”. It is strange, but our hand is asymmetric in this respect. There are more acupuncture points on our palm, than on the back of our hand.
But there are other large scale “energy centers” on our trunk and head, the so called “chakra points”. There are two such energy centers at our hip. If one lies down on a flat surface, placing his/her hands beside the hip, a very strong rotational effect appears, stronger than in a sitting position at the table. (For this test the VM is the most suitable, as it stores the value of maximum rotation).
The accumulated experience of many years spent with the research on this effect has shown that the rotation of objects by this “life energy” (or chi, prana etc.) is not a thermal effect or air movement, but a form of energy used to sustain life, but not found yet in textbooks.
Later, during the course of technical development, a light solid object – the plastic wheel – was chosen instead of rotating water, due to its higher sensitivity.
E. Lifestyle, Personality. Life energy
Though the research of nutrients has been going on for at least half a century now (to find out the effect of trace elements, vitamins, vegetarianism versus meat eating), very few general conclusions have emerged from this debate. Most probably it is because we human beings, and our physical and mental environment are so different. The same food cannot be ideal for a nervous Russian coal miner and for a happy Italian bookkeeper. Everybody has to find out for himself/herself what makes the level of vitality highest, what makes it low, what will improve it.
According to our experience, in the short term, the state of mind (calmness, joy, sorrow, fear, empathy etc.) is the most important factor. A sudden wave of panic has always stopped the rotation of the wheel, but even the solution of a mathematical puzzle. At the same time after a couple of minutes of meditation and/or breathing exercise the number of revolutions, the vitality level may increase spectacularly. In general, there is a definite difference in the vitality level of sad, reclusive, or happy, open-minded people for the benefit of the latter.
There was no correlation between academic achievement and vitality level among high school students. Though in a given class, the leading, most important person always outperformed the least active, most introverted student at least by a factor of two. In high school classes, the girls, considered to be most beautiful also outperformed the so called “ugly” girls. Most probably a stream of success and failure experience could have caused the difference.
Though it is not easy to change beauty and inner spiritual state, it is always possible to change, to improve something, where we are able to act. The improvement and reward is measurable with the help of the Vitality Indicator or Vitality Meter.